Activation Time: A 1/2 Year Review

This is a recap of the 1st half of the year, so I tend to get long-winded. You have been warned… About the Blog For those of you who are new, (or returning after a hiatus) to the blog put on your seat belt, I’m about to take you for a ride. pretty much...

The Only Constant Is Change

Change is…well, if you ask me it’s hard. I think we like familiar patterns, even if it means our unhappiness. If that weren’t somewhat true we wouldn’t stay at jobs we hate, we wouldn’t stay in unhealthy relationships, and we wouldn’t suppress our very essence...

Say It Out Loud

I’m not sure why, but I had the movie Akeelah and the Bee playing on repeat inside my head over the week. There are so many teaching moments in that movie, I’m almost embarrassed to say that I almost passed it up. There was one particular scene, “You’ll Be A Champion”...

The Comparison Syndrome: It Will Stunt You!

January is generally the month where people have set, are still setting, or have already broken their New Year resolutions. So we’ve gotten clever about it, and started calling them fancy names in a fit of rebellion against the norm to convince ourselves to make them...

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